Brim is one of the largest fisheries companies in Iceland. Experience and knowledge of resource utilization and production of marine products are exhibited in all of Brim's operations. Staff roles extend to the entire value chain, i.e. fishing, processing, sale, and distribution of the company's products. At the forefront of Brim’s operation is the employment of qualified and reliable staff who, through professionalism and accountability, are able to ensure the sustainable utilization and efficiency in resource management.
Brim is a well-established company, where managers and employees care about the well-being and health of their coworkers. Brim is a family-friendly workplace where we strive to provide our employees with the ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance. The range of roles at Brim, requires us to explore different ways of achieving this goal. Brim promotes and fosters equality in the workplace, and efforts are made to employ men and women in different roles and teams across the company. It is not permitted to discriminate against Brim employees on the basis of their gender, sexual orientation, or origin. Brim adheres to an equality action plan that is reviewed regularly. Brim’s policies on social issues can be accessed under discussion about the company’s Policies.
Information on social components extends to Brim and its subsidiary Ögurvík, unless otherwise stated. The reason for this is that Ögurvík, with its freezer vessel Vigra and its demersal fishing rights, is operated as part of Brim’s groundfishing division.
Sóttvarnarráðstafanir sem gripið var til vegna Covid-19 faraldursins höfðu mikil áhrif á starfsemi félagsins. Komið var á fót vinnuhópi innan félagsins, sem hafði yfirumsjón með sóttvörnum til lands og sjós. Gripið var til víðtækra sóttvarnarráðstafana með því meðal annars að hólfa niður vinnusvæði og aðstöðu starfsfólks. Það tókst mjög vel að verja starfsfólk og starfsemi félagsins, en félagsstarf á árinu lá algjörlega niðri.
Á árinu 2020 voru að meðaltali 769 stöðugildi hjá Brimi og dótturfélögum miðað við heilsársstörf, en þau voru 798 á árinu 2019 og hefur þeim því fækkað um 29 milli ára. Norðanfiskur á Akranesi var seldur á árinu þar störfuðu 34 en á móti kemur að Kambur í Hafnarfirði og línubáturinn Kristján koma inn í reksturinn, en þar starfa 45 manns. Störfum í vinnslu Brims við Norðurgarð fækkaði um 27 vegna endurnýjunar á vinnslunni.
Average number of employees | 2020 | 2019 |
Fishermen | 277 | 275 |
Reykjavík | 238 | 279 |
Vopnafjörður | 110 | 108 |
Akranes | 15 | 17 |
Brim og Ögurvík Combined | 640 | 679 |
Subsidiaries | 129 | 119 |
Brim and Subsidiaries Combined | 769 | 798 |
The majority of employees are members of unions, or 97%, and are paid wages in accordance with the provisions of effective collective wage agreements. Employees in fish processing are paid a supplement when working with raw materials on trimming lines. Such pay supplement is supported by the provisions of collective wage agreements. No other bonus wage system is being used elsewhere within the company. Fishermen receive pay in accordance with a share allotment system which is based on collective wage agreements. The fishermen's wage system is based on the catch value of the vessel in question, and the value is divided between the vessel operator and the crew according to a share allotment system.
The company has an established code of conduct on human rights, corruption, and bribery. Brim is devoted to complying with the laws and general criteria for ethical business practices at all times, and adheres to the rules that the company establishes for itself. Brim respects human rights, particularly those that relate to union membership rights, forced labour, slavery, and workplace inequality.
Every effort is made to ensure that contractors and their sub-contractors always comply with Icelandic laws as regards all who work for them, irrespective of whether they are their employees or a sub-contractor.
The company will not tolerate bullying or sexual harassment. The company maintains a response action plan, reviewed during the year, in the event of any suspicion of victimisation or harassment in the workplace. Brim feels that it is important that employees show respect for each other, and injustice is not tolerated, such as victimisation, sexual harassment or discrimination on the basis of unjustified aspects such as gender, religion, race or sexual orientation. If we become aware of bullying or injustice, we immediately inform our supervisors of such incidents.
The principal goal of equal pay certification is to combat gender-based wage gaps and promote gender equality in the labour market.
The company’s equal pay system was examined by a representative of BSI in Iceland, a certification service provider qualified to verify the conditions of the ÍST 85:2012 equal pay standard. The achievement of obtaining the equal pay label is the result of extensive and good collaboration between many Brim employees.
Brim is the third Icelandic fisheries company to receive the equal pay label. The company is engaged in creating a sought-after workplace. This entails ensuring that the gender-based wage differences are less than 5%. After accounting for total wages and in light of the primary aspects that impact wages, women receive approximately 4,9% lower wages than men according to an investigation carried out in March 2020. Women, therefore, have yet to receive equal pay. Efforts are being made eradicate gender-based wage differences.
Brim endeavours to instruct, re-educate, and train its employees. It is important that new employees receive the appropriate education and training. The goal is for the company to attract employees with exceptional capabilities in their fields. Organised training activities and learning takes place all year round. In addition to training which is directly related to the work of the employee in question, there are regular courses and presentations being offered on a range of topics, to inform employees and help them strengthen their personal skillsets.
These learning activities can take place within the company or without. Technological advancements have facilitated communication with employees that are spread out across land and sea.
Pandemiological measures made it difficult to provide training and seminars during the year but we, nevertheless, were able to offer learning opportunities and had success with remote learning technology. The number of educational hours in 2020 was 800 compared to 1022 in 2019. The number of employees attending courses, on the other hand, increased from 186 to 436.
Number | Hours | |||
Course | 2020 | 2019 | 2020 | 2019 |
Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre | 45 | 45 | 680 | 616 |
Safety Measures | 9 | 2 | 36 | |
Fish Processing | 16 | 5 | 40 | 10 |
New Recruit Course | 60 | 120 | ||
Icelandic | 6 | 24 | ||
Quality Systems | 113 | 51 | 25 | 179 |
Technology | 92 | 10 | 34 | 31 |
Other training - personal skills etc. | 170 | 19 | ||
Samtals | 436 | 186 | 800 | 1022 |
Occupational health and safety issues are an important part of Brim’s educational schedule. During new recruit orientation, the staff of the company carefully go over aspects that relate to the occupational health and safety of the company.
Preventive measures and education on board the company’s vessels are largely handled by the new recruit orientation carried out by vessel officers as well as during regular rescue exercises in which the entire crew participates. The company emphasizes the need for vessel officers to stage regular rescue exercises, at least twelve times a year.
Fishermen undergo a training program at the Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre each year.
The main courses are:
The courses expand on knowledge in the correct use of the rescue and safety equipment available on the vessel. The manner in which to respond to various accidents and mishaps, prevent them, and ensure personal safety are also closely examined. The ability to respond correctly during emergencies is very important.
There were no fatal accidents of Icelandic fishermen in the seas off Iceland in the past four years, and accidents in generally also saw a reduction last year.
This achievement can be attributed to technological advances, i.e. better vessels and equipment, and not least to the work of the Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre, which was established in 1985. The Training Centre is responsible for education on safety issues and accident prevention. Attending training courses is a prerequisite for being legally registered on a ship. At present, the Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre is a subdivision of ICE-SAR (Landsbjörg).
Brim is concerned about accident prevention, which is reflected in the company's internal work, i.e. education and prevention, but also through the company’s commitment to supporting robust accident prevention and rescue work services at sea and on land. Arrangements for safety issues are intended to increase the importance of the subject within the company and strengthen the efficiency of safety measures. Management is responsible for safety issues.
Each and every employee is responsible for their own safety. One of the basic prerequisites enabling us to be successful in reducing the number of accidents is that all stakeholders participate and that management as well as employees are determined to involve themselves in improving safety. The management is responsible for ensuring that all equipment is of the best quality and that the safety arrangements of the work areas and units for which they are responsible are up to date. The company relies on management to lead by example, and that they take the lead with regard to the occupational safety efforts within the company. Brim has established a policy in the work environment and safety measures that can be accessed under Brim’s policies.
Safety committees that cover all working units are operated by the company, and they have a clearly defined role. Safety committees can be found in all of Brim’s operating units. The company's human resources department is responsible for supervising and monitoring this category. This is in accordance with Regulation No. 920/2006 on the organisation and implementation of health and safety in workplaces. Safety issues are an integral part of the company’s human resources policy. It is extremely important that employees comply with the safety rules in the workplace, participate in safety education and submit suggestions as to where improvements could be made.
There are a total of 11 safety committees operated by the company. Safety officer is a term that covers both safety guards that are nominated by the manager of the operating unit in question and the safety stewards that are elected by employees. The role of safety officers is to ensure that occupational health and safety are in accordance with applicable laws* and the policies of the company.
*Act No. 46/1980 on Working Environment, Health and Safety in workplaces. Regulation No. 200/2007 on measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers on vessels.
Brim places importance on all accidents being recorded, and the procedures and work processes are presented to employees. All accidents and incidents must be recorded electronically on Brim’s intraweb. All lost time and care accidents of employees on land are notified to the Administration of Occupational Safety and Health (Vinnueftirlit ríkisins), the Icelandic Health Insurance (Sjúkratrygginga Íslands) and the insurance company. Lost time accidents of workers at sea are notified to the Icelandic Health Insurance, the Icelandic Marine Accident Investigation Board (Rannsóknarnefnd sjóslysa) and the insurance company.
Accidents are classified into the following categories:
A total of 50 accidents were reported during the year, which is 11 fewer than the year before, when they were 61. During the year, there were 23 accidents at sea and 27 on land. The decrease between years can be attributed, among other things, to the fact that Brim's processing plant at Norðurgarður was closed for over three months due to renovations and restructuring.
The examination of all recorded accidents in 2020 shows that lost time accidents were primarily due to impact, sharp objects, and excess strain. Serious accidents were also associated with employees being crushed or falling.
Brim encourages employees to pursue a healthy lifestyle and take care of the environment. The company contributes to this by:
Brim’s staff received a Garmin health watch from the company as a Christmas gift in 2019. The purpose was to encourage employees to participate in a health contest, that involved collecting as many steps as possible. Participation was voluntary, but over 100 employees registered for participation and others watched on Workplace. Progress was reviewed weekly and prizes were awarded to the department and the individual who had collected the most steps during the week prior. An award ceremony took place at noon on June 6, 2020, in front of Þúfan. Sverrir Bergmann and Halldór Gunnar played soothing music for the group, while lunch was served outdoors. The crew at Víkingur won both the divisional and individual competitions, but they collected a total of 2,100,488 steps. The photo shows part of the crew with the trophy.
The aim of Brim’s transport policy is to encourage the company's employees to use environmentally friendly, economical, and healthy means of transport. The company also wants to set a good example by increasing employees' awareness of environmentally friendly transport, and thereby simultaneously contributing to improving the environment, the health of its employees, and others.
A transport agreement is therefore available to employees who have worked for Brim for more than three months, or are permanently employed and are able to commit to using environmentally friendly means of transport to travel to and from work; for example by walking, cycling, running, or using public transport. The agreement is valid for a maximum of twelve months from its signing and can be terminated by both parties with one month's notice.
By the end of 2020, 159 employees had signed a transport agreement and received paid transport subsidies, or received a bus pass from the company. In the year before 2019, 204 employees signed up for the plan. The lower level of participation is due to, among other things, the closure of Noðurgarður and the reduction of staff.
It is Brims' policy to encourage and take the initiative to further the social life of its employees.
Brim’s Annual Company Celebration is generally held the day before Fishermen’s Day, as it is the only weekend where all the fishermen working for the company have the opportunity to attend. In August of each year, Brim invites staff and their families to a celebration in Húsdýragarðurinn (Reykjavík Park and Zoo). Staff have been extremely happy with the outing, and participation has normally been very good. An Advent tradition has formed, where Brim invites employees to a Christmas concert with performances by artists like Sigga Beinteins, Björgvin Halldórsson. and Baggalútur.
The employee association Brimgarður has overseen the Advent Holiday Meal, as well as a biannual city trip. In 2019, a large group from the staff association travellled to Milan.
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, all employee social events were canceled in 2020.
Brim participated in the Festival of the Sea, which is held during the same celebratory weekend each year: The Harbor Day is held on Saturday and the Fishermen’s Day on Sunday. The sponsors are Brim, Faxaflóahafnir (Associated Icelandic Ports) and Sjómannadagsráð (Reykjavík Fisherman’s Day Committee). This is one of the largest annual festivals in Reykjavík, and more than 40,000 people made their way to the harbor area in 2019.
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the Festival of the Sea was canceled like other gatherings nationwide.
The Brimgarður staff Association is intended for all Brim employees, both at sea and on land. The purpose of the association is to promote social and educational activities among its members, leisure trips, festivities and any cultural and educational matter that can be of use to members. In recent years, the staff association has been responsible for organizing a spring and an autumn get-together, a Christmas buffet and a Christmas party for the children of Brim’s employees. These operations have been marked by restrictions on social gatherings due to the Covid-19 epidemic, and nearly all of the company's get-togethers had to be canceled. The staff association owns a summer cottage at Flúðir that is rented out throughout the year.
Brim’s employees in Vopnafjörður can choose between joining Brimgarður or belonging to Brim’s staff association in Vopnafjörður.
The attached table shows the statement for social components according to Nasdaq’s ESG Reporting Guidelines. This statement is presented with the caveat that the Nasdaq guidelines are of a general nature, and in some instances they cannot be applied to Brim’s operations, as they are not applicable. For example, when considering the "Frequency of accident-related incidents in relation to the total time of the workforce in percentages", the accident frequency is given as a percentage of the number of employees as fishermen do not work regular working hours.
Units | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | |
S1. CEO PAY RATIO | |||||
CEO total compensation to median FTE total compensation | x:1 | 3,1 | 4,5 | 5,3 | 5,2 |
Is information on the aforementioned ratio presented in a report to the government? | yes/no | no | no | no | no |
Ratio: Median male compensation to median female compensation | 2,6 | 1,9 | 2,0 | 2,1 | |
The Result of Equal Pay Certification | % | 4,9% | 2,3% | ||
Year-over-year change for full-time employee | % | 9,5% | 3,0% | 8,0% | 2,0% |
Number of FTE's | 769 | 798 | 773 | 859 | |
-Men | % | 71.0% | 72.0% | 70.0% | |
-Women | % | 29.0% | 28.0% | 30.0% | |
Part-Time staff | % | - | - | - | - |
Contractors and Consultants | % | - | - | - | - |
Does your company adhere to a sexual harassment and/or equality policy? | yes/no | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Total number of accidents | Number | 50 | 60 | 90 | 59 |
- Of which at sea | - | 23 | 23 | 25 | 26 |
- Of which on land | - | 27 | 37 | 65 | 56 |
Rate of accident-related incidents, as a ratio of the total number of employees | % | 9.0% | 8.0% | 12.0% | 7.0% |
Absence from work due to illness - land-based employees | % | 4.9% | 4.4% | 5.1% | |
S8. Global Health and Safety | |||||
Does your company adhere to a workplace health policy and/or a global health and safety policy? | yes/no | yes | yes | yes | yes |
S9. Child Labor and Forced Labor | |||||
Does your company adhere to a policy against child labor and/or forced labor? | yes/no | yes | yes | yes | yes |
If yes, does the policy against child and/or forced labor also apply to suppliers and vendors? | yes/no | yes | yes | yes | yes |
S10. Human Rights | |||||
Does the company adhere to a human rights policy? | yes/no | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Nasdaq's ESG Reporting Guidelines are intended to disclose information on the above aspects of corporate operations to investors and other stakeholders, in a clear and accessible manner.